What are you going to do?

Have you ever just prayed to God about something? & He gives you the solution to the problem? But when he gives you the solution, its not something that you wanted to do. & you say well God I didn’t want it like this, I wanted it to be a little easier than this! I didn’t want to have to work as hard. I didn’t want to have to sweat for this. I just wanted it to come to me. Could it just be given to me? These thoughts were running through my mind and God began to say to me, you out of all people know that nothing in life worth having comes easy!!!! I said all this to say sometimes we can miss out on our own blessing because it didn’t come as easy as we thought it should. He told me, you ask me for it and I showed you how to get it!!! Now what are you going to do? Are you going to allow it to slip away or continue to pray about a problem that I’ve already given you a solution to fix. It may have not come packaged the way you expected it, but it’s still your blessing. You may have to work longer hours to finance your vision, you may have to give a little more. You may have to do somethings that you really do not want to do at the time, but you know its for a greater purpose. You are activating your faith. & sometimes you have to be willing to sacrifice for a season so that God can bless you for a lifetime.

I’ve realized that the things that I want is wrapped in my obedience to God. He reminded me of Abraham when God told him to leave where he was. In Genesis 12:1, The Lord said to Abraham, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.” Abraham didn’t complain, he didn’t grumble nor did he say it was hard, because he knew that God was with him. & whatever God asked him to do he would give him the grace to do it. God will give you the grace to do anything He has called you to do. Sometimes we can look at our situation and count it out before it even starts. But God doesn’t want you to do these things in your strength. He wants you to do it in His strength. We can do all things through Christ that strengthens us (Philippians 4:13). We can do it, we just have to trust and believe.

God also told Abraham in Genesis 12:2 “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be be a blessing.” God gave Abraham a difficult task, but he promised him a blessing that he couldn’t even see yet, but he had enough faith to believe God at his word. He had enough faith to believe that God was going to do whatever he promised him. & we should have enough faith to believe that God will also do what He has promised us. He is not a respecter of persons & his promises are yes and Amen! I hope this blessed you as much as it blessed me. Keep the faith & know that God is on your side.

Small Prayer: Father, thank you for all things. Allow us to open our eyes and see solutions and answered prayers. We expect you to come one way, but sometimes you come another. Allow us to be open and receptive to your word. Forgive us of our sins, anything we have thought said or done. You know our hearts. Create in us a clean heart and renew in us a right spirit. We want to be more like you and walk in your will for our lives. These and all other blessings we pray in Jesus name. Amen.

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