trusting god in your season of uncertainty

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I’ve learned to trust God in my season of uncertainty. Trust me it’s not an easy process. He always reminds me when I am uncertain, that i’ve already been here before in my last season when I didn’t know what to do the last time. But He always reminds me of how He’s always showed up and has always shown himself to be faithful to me. & because I’ve been uncertain before & have won battles even when faced with uncertainty!!!!! He assures me that because He has brought me out then, He’s going to bring me out now. God has a track record of coming through, right when I need Him, right in the knick of time. I remember a song, that we used to sing, it goes like this… He may not come when you want him, but He always on time. I hear the words to the song, But honestly, I believe right when I pray, God hears me & He goes right into action, but He has to build something on the inside of me before I actually receive the blessing. See we want the miracle and the breakthrough suddenly, but God is trying to build our relationship with him. He’s trying to build our faith and build something on the inside of us. He’s trying to get us to a new level in where we can fully trust him. That no matter what you see, you will believe that God has already won.

1st scripture: & it reads,” Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not lean unto my own understanding, but in all thy ways acknowledge him & He will direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Reflection: Trust God even when you can’t trace him. That problem, is too big for you!! Give it over to God. The problem may be too big for us, but it is nothing to the Lord. We serve a God who has all power in His hands.

2nd scripture: & it reads, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7)

Reflection: When you are tempted to worry. Pray to God immediately. When anxiety comes over you. Give it God immediately. Anxiety has only crept in because we have stepped into God’s lane and we are trying to solve our own problems without including the Lord, himself. Right when you feel anxiety creeping in. Take it as a cue to immediately start praying to God. Telling him your fear, your worry, or what is making you so anxious. & then began to thank him for choosing you to go through it. It is an honor to be chosen by God, when we are chosen to go through anything we have the assurance that God will see us through. That when you come out of whatever, you are going through, you won’t look like what you’ve been through. Again, when you are tempted to worry, do an inventory of what you are focusing on. The story in the Bible that comes to my mind is about Peter when he was walking on water. He had no worries in the beginning when He had his eyes on God , but when He began to look at what he was actually doing and actually seeing the wind. He began to sink. He began to worry not realizing that He was with God all along. But when He began to call on the Father, which is our form of praying. God immediately rescued him. ( Matthew 14:22-33). That’s how we do sometime, we say we trust God, but when we see things not going the way we planned we began to sink. Instead of believing God at his word. Instead of remembering, what his word says. “God says without faith, its impossible to please him. So we have to learn to exercise our faith even in the midst of our struggles. People tend to ask me, why do I go to church? I go to church to PAY ATTENTION to get a word from God to not leave the same way I came to lay my burdens at God’s feet. Sometimes we can have a powerful word and know the word is for us, but as soon as we leave we forget what we learned. That’s the enemy’s tactics, he wants us not to retain the information so that we don’t grow in God. So learn to keep a notebook so you can write things down and reflect. I go to church to fellowship & I go to church to give back because God has been to good to me, not to. Sometimes, I may need clarity on something, & my Bishop, prayer warriors, members, or visitors may confirm what the Lord is already telling me. I go to church because without it I can’t reach my God given assignment. & I go to church because sometimes, I may get down, and that word may be the only thing that brings me back up, that shifts my mindset to keep on pressing on another day. I go to church to worship, to have an encounter with God. I could go on and on, but those are just a couple of reasons.


There is no scripture in the Bible where you will find that God has failed or where He has been defeated. & that’s good news to us. We have confidence in our Lord, Savior, Jesus Christ that nothing you are facing is too big for him. He’s already conquered what you are going through by His blood, He died so that nothing would be able to defeat us so everything that you are going through is already under our feet, because of His precious blood. He’s already “given us the authority to tread on scorpions and lions and over all power of the enemy and nothing by any means shall harm us” (Luke 10:19). “We are joint heirs with Christ” (Romans 8:17). If your struggle has a name, it has to bow, cancer, marital issues, fear, whatever it is that your facing. God has already defeated it on the cross & you will win if only you believe in the Author and the Finisher of our Faith. “God is not a man that He shall lie” (Numbers 23:19). If He said it then its done. I declare & I decree victory over your life on today.

3rd Scripture, It reads, “For we walk by faith, & not by sight” 2 Corinthians 5:7

Reflection: Without faith, it is impossible to please God, You maybe looking at a dead situation. A situation where what you are going through may seem impossible to be fixed or turned around. Just because a situation looks dead to us, doesn’t meant it is, it can’t live again. It will live again, God has the final say. Just like Lazarus in the Bible, Mary and Martha was upset with Jesus, because He came late to see about Lazarus. They called for him and Lazarus died, but God only came late because He wanted the people that were looking in to witness that He had had all power in his hands & that Lazarus would live again (John 11). We have to realize, that we are in a fixed fight. “We don’t fight for the victory, we fight from the victory. ” & we have to prophesy to our situation and speak to it in order for it to move. These dry bones will live. Remove all doubt from your vocabulary in order for God to move.


Whatever you are going through I am declaring & I am decreeing that you will come out of this & you will win!! & when you come out you will not smell like smoke. God is making your life a living testimony for others that are looking in. When God is through with you,they will know that their is a God. It was nobody, but God that could have turned that situation around for you. It was nobody, but God that could have restored, healed, and saved you. That could have delivered and set you free from bondage. Every trial, tribulation, that you are facing its over. It is now under your feet and I bind it in the name of Jesus. I release miracle, signs, and wonders over your situation today and because God rose up on the third day with all power in his hands, your situation that was once dead has now come alive. & it is now shifting in your favor. Healing miracles, are releasing right now….. Marriages are being restored,bodies are being healed. God is moving in a major way. If you receive it say Amen!!

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