There’s more in you

There is so much more in you. The urge that you are feeling that desire to own your own business that desire to chase after your dreams. God has placed that dream in your heart for a reason for a time such as this. I believe that God wants to open up doors and give you God ideas to make that dream come to pass. You don’t know how it’s going to come to pass, but you believe that there is so much more in you. There’s an assignment on your life that the world needs to see and because God has called you. He’s going to bring it into fruition. When you least expect it. Everything that God has promised you, it will come to pass. Keep believing, keep doing your best. Keep working hard. God has not forgotten about you. Keep things in line, your time is coming soon and before you know it. It will be here everything you have been praying for in Gods perfect time, it will manifest. Just this year I’ve saw God work miracles open up so many doors for me that I couldn’t make happen for myself. God is not after your senses, for we walk by faith & not by sight. Trust and believe if God said it. It will come to pass! Keep trusting and believing. Hang onto His unchanging hand. He won’t let you down! Blessings! 

Small Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you for this opportunity to come before your throne one more time. We thank you for waking us up this morning and allowing us to see another day. We thank you for being who you are and besides you, there is none other. Thank you for life. Thank you for loving us in spite of our imperfections and thank you for putting us back on the potter’s wheel molding us and shaping us into what you have called us to be. We ask that you help us to become more like you. Move us or remove any hinderance and every burden in our lives. Give us financial freedom. Give us a God idea. Help us to live in the overflow, in the abundance that you have called us to. Help us to walk like you, help us to talk like you, forgive and love like you. You are one of a kind and we thank you for being just that. God we honor you, we ask that you show us the more that we have been searching for that’s on the inside of us. Every dream that has been laying dormant in our lives, we ask that you wake it up right now. Wake it up and help us to birth it and bring it to pass in you. We put you as the head, the center of our lives, we can’t move unless you allow us to. Thank you for all things. Thank you for being you. It’s in your precious name we pray. Amen.

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