Test for a Testimony!!!!

I believe that we overcome by the words of our testimony!! & I just want to encourage you on this morning!!! Last year around this time! I caught the flu, I had been sick for 6 months straight. I had the flu, then I had a relapse of the flu,sinus infection, and on top of that I had shortness of breath….. I remember lying in my bed hurting, could barely breathe & my body was aching in pain!!!!! I didn’t know if I was gone make it or not. I even remembered people telling me how many deaths had occurred that year from the flu while I was suffering from it. I was spending hours in at emergency rooms and back and forth in the doctors office. I realized we take the little things in life for granted until it’s our life. One day my body was aching so bad and I was home alone and I just felt like God was about to call me home, but I heard this small steel voice that said trust the process this too shall pass!!! With everything in me, I held on!!! You may wonder why I’m so crazy about God because he keeps showing up for me over & over again…. I’ve seen God resurrect dead situations, I’ve seen him heal my body, I’ve seen him do miraculous works. & I came by to encourage you to trust the process, that this too shall pass! I’m speaking it over your life!!!! Miracles, signs, and wonders!!!! You see the Glory, but you don’t know my story!!!!! God is still able!!!!! What I went through was to encourage someone else, if He did it for me He can do the same for you!

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