
man praying

A Prayer for you!!!! Dear Lord, thank you for another day that you have given us. Thank you for waking us up to see a brand new day. You didn’t have to do it, but you did it anyhow & we say thank you for your grace and your mercy. Lord continue to keep us covered. Continue to keep our hearts and minds protected. Love on us when we are weak and bogged down. Send your angels to watch over us and protect us. Help us in every way. Open up doors that no man can close & close every door that is not meant for us to walk through. That would ultimately cause us harm and allow us to settle. We want to be everything that you have called us to be and we want to go everywhere you have called us to go. Help us, forgive us of our sins and our transgressions make us whole in you. Come into our lives like never before. Fill us up with your Precious Holy Spirit allow us to walk right and allow us to talk right. Create in us a clean heart and renew in us a right spirit. Have your way in our lives. We love you, we praise you. Forgive us of anything that we said that wasn’t pleasing unto your sight. You know our hearts renew us and make us over again. We want to repent and turn from our evil ways, but teach us how. You said you will go looking for the one that’s missing if there were 99 and I’m the one that’s missing. I’m the one that needs help when I am lost and can’t see my way. Lead me back to you. Help us in every way. It’s all in your hands in Jesus name we pray. Amen!

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