But yet, i rise!

Sometimes in our lives, we don’t know what to do. Sometimes we are so lost and confused and we don’t even know our next move or what to do next.  Sometimes we think we have to do this right and do that right in order for God to love us, and if we make one wrong […]

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A Prayer for you!!!! Dear Lord, thank you for another day that you have given us. Thank you for waking us up to see a brand new day. You didn’t have to do it, but you did it anyhow & we say thank you for your grace and your mercy. Lord continue to keep us […]

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Anybody that is called to GREATER, Greater is not going to come easy! How can you help someone else if you have never been through anything yourself. How can I tell you how to get through something, if I’ve never been through it myself. Baby, this anointing that you carry is not going to come […]

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AfterNoon prayer

Afternoon Prayer: Father, we pray for strength on this day. We pray for heavy hearts, that have been broken, confused, and beaten. We pray that your will be done in our lives and that you restore to us anything the enemy has ever stolen. Saturate us with your presence, renew our minds, and make us […]

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