IT’s working

It’s working for your good, every situation, every stumbling block, every setback! God says “All things work together for the good of them who love the Lord” (Romans 8:28). Not just one thing, not just two things but we can rest assured that God is working everything behind the scenes on our behalf for the good, even when we can’t even see! He didn’t say it would be easy, but we know he didn’t bring us this far to leave us!!! God loves you more than you love yourself. That lay off is working for your good, that sickness, that loss is working for your good. God is going to get some glory out of every situation that you are going through. He’s “perfecting everything that concerns you” (Psalm 138:8). So hold on because, help is on the way. He promises “never to leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5)! You can trust God to be God and you can trust God to be good! He gets all the glory!!!! Blessings hold your head up high!! God’s got you in the palm of his hand.

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