Its already done declarAtioN

I cast down the spirit of fear, rejection, and anything that rises itself up against the knowledge of God over your life. I cast down the spirit of failure, lack, regret, infirmities. I cast it off of my bloodline. I cast it down in the mighty name of Jesus. The blood is against you. There is no lack, all of my needs are met. I am living in the overflow of abundance. I will chase my dreams! I will get all God has for me. I will become who He has called me to become. I will do what He has called me to do. My words have power. The enemy is a defeated foe. He’s been defeated. The blood is against him. I have all power over him. I will not fear. I will not be afraid. For the Lord is with me His rod and His staff comfort me. He will place a table before be in the presence of my enemies. My cup runneth over, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life! I am blessed you are blessed! God is with you. God is with me! He will never leave us nor will He forsake us. In the midst of your storm, in the midst of your wilderness, in the midst of your trials, troubles, and pains. God is faithful and just. He will not allow your foot to be moved. Be of Good cheer, my Father owns a cattle on a thousand hills. He never runs out. What you are worrying about He’s already fixed it. That struggle is over. That lack, that burden, that dead situation has already been resurrected. If God be for you who can be against you. My faith is in him alone, if God can’t do it, it can’t be done!!!! God rides in His chariot alone. He doesnt need any help. He will get the glory out of this. He uses who He wants to use, He blesses who He wants to bless. Take the limits off of God, He wants to bless you. He wants to exceed your expectations. Forget what people have spoken over your life! God calls you Blessed! God calls you Healed! God calls you Restored. God calls you FREE! A mighty move is coming!!!! It’s already done. God is greatly to be praised. Walk in your destiny, walk in your calling, walk in your annointing, walk in your breakthrough! Do not fear, God wants to use you!!!! Do not fear for it is God’s desire to give you the kingdom!!!! God is not a man that He can lie. Believe on him, trust in him! What you are going through, it shall pass! You are restored, you are delivered, you are no longer bound. Chains can’t hold you!!!! Be set free!!! Devil, I render you powerless over this Woman or Man of God! You will not win. There is more work to do, there is still land to take!!! So much in store for you. God has the final say over your life! Be blessed and stay encouraged!! You are fearless! God is with you!!!! Take courage!!!! Blessings are on the way! If you receive this say Amen!!!

6 thoughts on “Its already done declarAtioN

  1. You better preach my sister! Glory to God! It is so in the name of Jesus Christ! Amen! Powerful Word!!😊

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