If i can be honest with you, god has blessed me!

If I can be honest with you, God has blessed me! If I have time to worry about what someone is saying about me, I have too much time on my hands. There is too much money to be made for me to worry about what someone is saying. That’s distracting me from my purpose in life. That’s distracting me from my next move! I have too many things that I want to achieve to be worried about that. I don’t know when my last day will be or how much longer I have in this world, and I want to be focused on the things that’s going to help me reach my goals in life. No word that somebody says will pay my bills nor will it put money in my pockets. But tv and the world promotes, when you see someone talking about you, you address it. But really who wins? You ask someone were they talking about you and they say yes, they’re just helping to make your name great. You’re just sending people my way to see how I really am! If someone has time to speak on you, then that’s there problem. & I had to learn this and I’m still learning. I work hard and I’m not jeopardizing everything that I’ve worked hard for because of what somebody said. It’s not worth it! I’ve been in situations like this and thank God for His grace and mercy that He kept me covered. But God is faithful and just He’s shown me that He will fight for me if I be still.

God has always allowed me to triumph over my enemies. God says in the Bible do not touch my anointed nor do my Prophet any harm. In the Bible Aaron and Miriam were speaking against Moses and God asked them, why were they not afraid to speak against his servant? & because of that Miriam had a very bad skin disease (Numbers 12). When you are speaking against a Child of God and you wonder why you’re not prospering in life. Be careful, you don’t know what God has for them. Be careful who put your mouth on. Im learning that everybody won’t like you and you’re not everybody’s cup of tea, but that’s okay. The Bible also says, “Be careful when everyone speaks well of you.” Don’t allow people to block your blessing!Just because a person may have a problem with me , doesn’t mean I have problem with them. But if I have offended someone knowingly, I try my best to make it right.

I try my best to keep my heart pure. What you say about me, is not my business. What I believe about me is my business!!! The only real enemy I have is the inner me! How I feel about what I believe is true! I heard a wise man once say “If there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can’t do you no harm.”The thoughts that are inside of your head is the enemy. & if I can defeat those thoughts I can defeat anything. Fear, anxiety, and depression comes from what you are thinking about. If you believe you can do a thing, you will do it, but if there is defeat already in your mind before you begin it will be a challenge. You have to believe “I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me”, that God says that “I am the head and not the tail above and not beneath.”God says that He will prepare a table before me in the presence of my a enemies. If He said that vengeance is mine. Believe God will fight for you, I, am a living witness. So next time someone comes to you about heresy, ask them is what you are about to tell me will this help me in anyway???? & if it not!Shut it down quick! I hope this blessed you! Be blessed! We’re all living and learning including myself, I have not arrived, God is still working on me!

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