God has Plans for YOU!!!

God’s word says, “For I know the plans I have for you”… (Jeremiah 29:11)

Not the plans that you have for you, but the plans that God has for you. “& they are not to harm you, but to prosper you and they are plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11). God has plans for you, in the midst of whatever it is that you maybe going through. God has special plans just for you!

God has orchestrated my footsteps. My life has been full of turbulence, and sometimes I couldn’t even see my way out. Sometimes I didn’t know how certain things would pan out. Sometimes it seemed like it was the end of the road and that I would never win. But God has shown himself to be faithful to me even in my darkest hour. He has never left me nor has He forsaken me. He has shown himself to be my very present help in the time of trouble. He’s shown me to be victorious in everything that I do. & that All things will work together for the good. So when I don’t get the things that I want or my plans don’t work out the way that I expected them to. It’s for a reason. I’m still winning! Sometimes God shuts doors for us because if He doesn’t shut that door it could possibly lead us into self destruction or even settling. Sometimes shut doors come in the form of a lay off on a job. Sometimes shut doors come in the form of a relationship ending. & at the time we can’t see, but we have to realize that if God allowed anybody to take anything away from you, its because He has something better for you. & He loves you way too much to allow you to settle! We serve a God of the increase. Ultimately someway somehow God is working these things out that you will win in the end. It may feel like you are not winning now, but ultimately something good is going to come out of this.

If it was up to me, I would have my whole life figured out, but God has shown me the importance of trusting in him. He doesn’t want me to have my whole life figured out, because “my ways are not his ways and my thoughts are not his thoughts (Isaiah 55:8).He reveals to me what He wants me to know. & if He doesn’t reveal it to me, He wants me to wait and trust in him.

“A good man’s steps are ordered by the Lord” (Psalm 37:23). God formed me in my mothers womb. He had my whole life figured out before I came onto this Earth. My life is not my own. So whatever God has planned for me it will satisfy me because that’s what I was created to do . I’ve always been a go-getter all my life. I would set goals and set goals and accomplish all of my goals, but they would leave me still unfulfilled. Something was still yet missing. I was chasing what I thought I wanted. These goals would ultimately have me to have a lot of money, but they didn’t have anything to do with my purpose and what I was created to do on this Earth for. When I was chasing the money, better yet the bag… I was empty, but when I begin to chase God I begin to come alive and I begin to be totally be free. My source is God, not in anybody or anything. Not in monetary value, not in cars, or who you may date, because all of these things could be here one day and gone the next. My stability is in God. God is my foundation. & when I chase God he’ll provide me with everything that I need plus more. My life’s verse is “Seek ye first the kingdom and His righteousness & all of these things will be added unto you.”

The Bible also tells us, that if we who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly father give. (Luke 11:13). How much more will your Father in Heaven give to you when you are in need? If your father on Earth knows how to give you good gifts, if he knows how to provide, how much more will your Father in Heaven do for you???? Your Father in Heaven is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all you can ever ask for or think (Ephesians 3:20). God wants to do more for you and he wants you to trust in him for it. He has major plans for you . We serve a BIG GOD that can do BIG things!!!!

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