Expect The Great

If you want a break through, a healing, or whatever you are asking God for. In order to get it! 🔑You have to love God more than you want the miracle, more than you want the healing, more than you want the breakthrough!!!! Surrender it over to him. I know you are able & willing, but if you don’t. I’m still satisfied. Just Like the 3 Hebrew boys: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. These men had the faith that I know God was able and willing to save us from the fire, but if He chose not to, it didn’t mean he couldn’t. They made a declaration that they still would be satisfied with whatever decision God made for their lives, but they were not going to serve another God! We have to develop that same mindset while going through our storms in life. If God doesn’t change my relationship, I’m still satisfied. If He doesn’t allow me to pass this class, I’m still satisfied. If He doesn’t heal my body, I’m still satisfied. If He doesn’t give me what I want, when I want it! I’m still satisfied!!! Give the problem over to God & after doing all you can do! Trust God to be God! & if He doesn’t do what we expect when we expect it, expect him to do something GREATER, so that He can get the glory out of our lives. Be it unto me according to your word. We still have to be satisfied and still be able to trust God at his word knowing that he doesn’t make any mistakes & whatever He chose for us, we have to know that Jesus is on the right hand of the throne making intercessions for us. God has our best interest at heart and He won’t let us fall when we fully trust in him. We all were created for a special purpose!!!! & when we submit ourselves completely over to God and give him full authority over our lives to do as he pleases!!!! He will move on our behalf!!!!

Special Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for everything. We are standing in the need of prayer. We want to surrender every worry, every fear, and every problem over to you. We realize that these burdens are too strong for us to bare, but we need you to step in and save us. We believe that you can do all things, we also believe that if we believe* we will see your glory, so God show us your glory and help our unbelief. Thank you God for saving us and dying on the cross for us. You carried the burdens so we don’t have to! Please forgive us of all our sins, knowingly & unknowingly, seen & unseen! It is in Jesus name, we pray Amen!!!

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