Devotion: God is LOVE

By Destiney Foster

Some of the greatest men in the Bible felt unimportant before God raised them from the PIT to the PALACE!!! David, a Mighty Man of Valor, felt unimportant when his father did not choose him at all. A Prophet named Samuel came to David’s father house to anoint one of his brothers that would be the next King of Israel. His father gathered all of his other brothers, but did not even go get David from outside. Joseph, another Great Man in the Bible, also felt unimportant when his brothers sold him into slavery, because they were jealous of him. Joseph was also put into jail when Potiphar’s wife falsely accused him.

These men felt unloved, rejected, and maybe even foolish, but they did not let the bitterness and the spirit of rejection get into their hearts. They did not allow what others did to them change their perspective on life. David never hated his father and Joseph never hated his brothers even though they both had abandonment issues.

After they suffered for a while, God allowed all things to work together for their good in their lives. No matter what they went through. Their families may have looked down on both of these men, they may have even counted them out, but that could not stop their destiny. God ultimately put both of these men in charge. David became King of Israel and Joseph became the 2nd in Command of Egypt. People looking in could not deny the hand of God on their lives.

& the same way with you, when God blesses you, people will not be able to deny the hand of God on your life. It does not matter what you have been through always love. Don’t allow hate to set in your heart, always love. God directed me to a scripture that says, “if someone says I love God, but hates his brother or sister, he is a liar, for he who does not love his brother who he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.” So I ask you to forgive and love others so that you don’t block the blessings that God has for your life, because no one can block the hand of God on your life! Blessings!

One thought on “ Devotion: God is LOVE

  1. Lord, I may not always understand but I thank you for being God alone…… I stand In Agreement with every word.

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