
Image result for greater is coming

Anybody that is called to GREATER, Greater is not going to come easy! How can you help someone else if you have never been through anything yourself. How can I tell you how to get through something, if I’ve never been through it myself. Baby, this anointing that you carry is not going to come easy. You may have to stay up late at night and cry yourself to sleep, but “after you have suffered for a while, the God of Grace who has called you to His Eternal Glory in Christ, will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you!!!!! (1 Peter 5:10)” God’s promise for your life! Be encouraged, be uplifted, and be set free. & know that what you are going through its only for a season. & seasons do change.

Small Prayer:

Dear Lord, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for just being God all by yourself. Thank you for being a forgiving God. Thank you for being trustworthy and knowing that the promises of God are Yes and Amen. Thank you for my family, and thank you for other families. Thank you for what you are doing in this season, because we know that you make no mistakes even in the midst of our trials and tribulations. We trust you to work everything out according to your will and get the Glory out of our lives. The enemy meant it for evil, but watch how God use it for your good. Give us the strength to endure and also be merciful to others. Nobody is deserving of your goodness and your grace but yet you still see fit to renew it each and every morning. So we thank you for whats to come. We thank you for miracles, signs, and wonders. We thank you for allowing our life to be a living testimony for others. That everything we go through it’s only for somebody else. We know that any storm that we face, it too shall pass. I speak it , I declare it, and I decree it. The enemies, that we see today we will no longer see tomorrow. Our enemies will go blind in front of us before our very eyes, I rebuke every evil plot that is set for up for our demise. No weapon formed against us will be able to prosper. I break down every stronghold in the name of Jesus. Fill us back up with love, peace, and joy. Holy Spirit do a new work!!!!! Work God move in a mighty way. Heal, deliver, and set free. We thank you, we give you all honor and praise. You are covered by the precious blood of Jesus. It’s all in your hands in Jesus name. I pray Amen.

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