But yet, i rise!

Sometimes in our lives, we don’t know what to do. Sometimes we are so lost and confused and we don’t even know our next move or what to do next.  Sometimes we think we have to do this right and do that right in order for God to love us, and if we make one wrong move. We’ve lost God’s love. But, here’s good news!!!!! There is nothing that we can do to make God stop loving us or for him to take his hands off of us. He’s always rooting for us! We all struggle with something, whether it’s big or small. Nobody has arrived nor does everyone have it all together, we are all just living and learning. But we do the best that we can on a day to day basis. To hope that God is pleased with the way that we live our lives on this Earth, so we can reach Eternal Glory. Sometimes we can strive to be so perfect in life when God has already said that there is no perfect person, but him. He knew everything that we would do before we actually did it. & yet He still loved us & He still chose us! It’s not a surprise to him that we made that mistake, or we said something to hurt someone’s feelings. It’s just that when we realize we have made a mistake. He wants us to turn from it and ask for forgiveness and make it right. He doesn’t want us to stay in misery and in hurt. Sometimes we can drain ourselves out by acting like we have it all together, we put up this fake facade and we don’t. We all are a work in progress. Sometimes we don’t know the next thing that God wants us to do. Sometimes we don’t know the next step to make. Sometimes we feel like we’re all alone by ourselves. Like we have nobody and nobody really understands our plight or the things that we go through in life. Sometimes it seems that everyone is so concerned with themselves that they don’t even realize how they are affecting you. But yet we still rise, nevermind all the crazy things we may see!!! Remember God has a purpose and He has a plan. & if He didn’t have something planned for us then we wouldn’t be going through the things that we are going through now.  The only reason you are going through what you are going through is because God trust you enough to take you through this storm and to WIN!!!! We are in a fixed fight, we have the VICTORY, God has all power!!! But yet, nevertheless we will rise, good or bad, small or big, high or low. We have a God and He can do all things, but fail!!!!!! & because He rose up on the 3rd day, we can rise up above any situation or storm that we may face in our lives, because of His Resurrection Power, because of the blood of Jesus Christ.

Small Prayer: Dear Lord, I thank you for everything. Thank you for the person that’s reading this right now. Father, I pray that they will rise in you right now. & whatever is trying to take over them right now it must loose them in the name of Jesus. Thank you for the blood that you shed on Calvary. & because you defeated death, nothing cannot harm us nor hold us back. So we thank you for being a protector and a very present help in the time of trouble. Father, I pray that if someone reading this that don’t know you that they confess right now that Jesus is Lord and believe in their heart that God raised him from the dead, they will be saved. Thank you for loving us and for being a forgiving and merciful God. Help us, because we are weak, but build us up. God so when we come out whatever we are facing we won’t look like what we’ve been through. Jesus, you are Lord. We honor you and give you the the praise. Forgive us of all of our sins. It’s in Jesus name, we pray Amen! Amen & Amen!!!

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