Breaking cycles

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I feel like breaking cycles this morning, whatever is holding you bound. It has to loose you right now in the name of Jesus. Depression can’t live here! Lack can’t live here!!!! Whatever you’ve been battling with for years, you won’t repeat again this year! It’s time to break free from that cycle. It’s time to be loosed and set free! Healed and delivered. God is loosening you from this repetitive cycle, something you couldn’t seem to let go of on your own. He’s bringing it to your attention and He’s showing you where you played apart, so you no longer have a veil over your eyes! He’s pulling it down right now in the name of Jesus. God wants to set you free from what’s been keeping you bound, what’s been holding you hostage. That situation, that relationship it can no longer have control over you. Let go of that hurt, it’s keeping you from God’s best in your life!!! He wants to use that hurt to transform your life to birth something new on the inside of you. Allow God to use it, don’t you try to fight it yourself!!! It’s too big for you!!!! God wants to fight it for you. Allow God to use you right where you are, don’t wait until you get it right allow God to make it right with you! He already knows your situation, the enemy’s plot of your downfall. He’s already cancelled it on your behalf what the devil meant for bad, God is turning it around for your good. Break every chain in your life that’s holding you stagnate, I declare and decree that today you will no longer be stuck. Chains are breaking, cycles are being destroyed. You are coming out right now in the name of Jesus. Because the GREATER one lives on the inside of you, the enemy can’t hold you! Break the cycle of fear, intimidation, doubt, low self esteem, selfishness, and generational curses! I break it in the name of Jesus! God can’t bless who you pretend to be!!!! Woman be set free, healed, and delivered! Your coming out!!!! Now!!!!

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