Breaking cycles

I feel like breaking cycles this morning, whatever is holding you bound. It has to loose you right now in the name of Jesus. Depression can’t live here! Lack can’t live here!!!! Whatever you’ve been battling with for years, you won’t repeat again this year! It’s time to break free from that cycle. It’s time […]

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Its already done declarAtioN

I cast down the spirit of fear, rejection, and anything that rises itself up against the knowledge of God over your life. I cast down the spirit of failure, lack, regret, infirmities. I cast it off of my bloodline. I cast it down in the mighty name of Jesus. The blood is against you. There […]

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Real Promotion only comes from god!

Real promotion doesn’t come from the east or the west! Real promotion only comes from God! When you have the favor of God on your life, God can use your enemies to promote you!! When you have the favor of God on your life, God can use the people that talk about you to promote […]

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Let him who is without sin cast the first sTone

By Destiney Foster Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. We all sin and fall short of the glory of God, nobody is perfect and God knew we wouldn’t be perfect that’s why He died so we would have a right to the tree of life. I am an imperfect person, but […]

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IT’s working

It’s working for your good, every situation, every stumbling block, every setback! God says “All things work together for the good of them who love the Lord” (Romans 8:28). Not just one thing, not just two things but we can rest assured that God is working everything behind the scenes on our behalf for the […]