Are you running on empty?

I remember speaking to one of colleagues, it was a while back and I told him that I couldn’t stand to get gas. When I was speaking to him, God gave me a revelation. He explained to me that’s how a lot of us are when it comes to getting filled up or poured into or even going to church. We look at it like it’s a form of duty when in actuality it helps us. It fills us back up. If I never got gas I would run out of  fuel and would be running on Empty, that’s how a lot of us are. We’re running on empty and don’t even know it. You want a word or something to pull from when faced with difficulty, but you have no word in you!!!! So the Holy Spirit can’t pull anything out of you. For example,  If all you listen to is rap music, then that’s all you have to pull from! That’s all you know,  so be careful what you put into your mind, because you could be meditating on it and not even know it. & don’t be surprised when all you think about is negativity or shooting or killing. I’m serious. Or fighting or taking somebody’s man or getting cheated on.  That’s what you have put into your mind so that’s what usually comes out. You have to fill your mind up with positivity. Get a good word on the inside of you. The Holy Spirit is the God that’s inside of you that helps you in your time of need. He is your comforter. & Just to remind you if you do your part, God will do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ever ask or think according to the power that works in you!!!! So ask yourself, are you running on empty? Do I need to get filled back up? If so make the necessary steps, into working on you to be the best you, you can be!!! Blessings if that means going to church, if that means listening to a podcast, or a YouTube video, however you are able to get a word in you to bless your life!!! Like Nike says, Just do it!!!!

One thought on “Are you running on empty?

  1. Amen! Powerful Word this morning. We have to be rooted and grounded in the Word of God. It fuels us daily if we are reading, meditating and applying it to our lives. Thanks for sharing WOG!

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