AfterNoon prayer

woman praying under tree during daytime

Afternoon Prayer: Father, we pray for strength on this day. We pray for heavy hearts, that have been broken, confused, and beaten. We pray that your will be done in our lives and that you restore to us anything the enemy has ever stolen. Saturate us with your presence, renew our minds, and make us whole in you. Allow us to know when we are weak, that we are never alone. That we have someone who sits on throne interceding for us. Lord, make us strong, in our time of need. Fill us up until we overflow. Allow us to cast down every worry, fear, and burden and hand it over to you. Our vindicator who fights on our behalf. We love you, forgive us of our sins and our transgressions, make us more like you. We pray for peace & for people that are less fortunate than us, because we are reminded that there’s someone else who is less off than we are. Someone doesn’t know how they are going to pay their bills, someone doesn’t know if they can make it just one more day, but Lord, we just thank you for grace and favor & for being who you are. We just ask that you give them the strength where they maybe weak, because it could be us. We thank you for the little things, we thank you for the big things. We thank you for what’s to come in our lives. Change us and make us new. Forgive us for being judgmental at times because we all fall short of the Glory of God. Continue to fill us up with your presence. We honor you, we adore you! It’s in Jesus name we pray Amen!!!!

Afternoon Prayer: Father, we pray for strength on this day. We pray for heavy hearts, that have been broken, confused, and beaten. We pray that your will be done in our lives and that you restore to us anything the enemy has ever stolen. Saturate us with your presence, renew our minds, and make us whole in you. Allow us to know when we are weak, that we are never alone. That we have someone who sits on throne interceding for us. Lord, make us strong, in our time of need. Fill us up until we overflow. Allow us to cast down every worry, fear, and burden and hand it over to you. Our vindicator who fights on our behalf. We love you, forgive us of our sins and our transgressions, make us more like you. We pray for peace & for people that are less fortunate than us, because we are reminded that there’s someone else who is less off than we are. Someone doesn’t know how they are going to pay their bills, someone doesn’t know if they can make it just one more day, but Lord, we just thank you for grace and favor & for being who you are. We just ask that you give them the strength where they maybe weak, because it could be us. We thank you for the little things, we thank you for the big things. We thank you for what’s to come in our lives. Change us and make us new. Forgive us for being judgmental at times because we all fall short of the Glory of God. Continue to fill us up with your presence. We honor you, we adore you! It’s in Jesus name we pray Amen!!!!

6 thoughts on “AfterNoon prayer

  1. Amen! Thank you for the prayer. I receive it and believe it in the name of Jesus Christ. I come in agreement with you and I stand on the promises of God.

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